Today is the day for celebrations! It is the time to sleep! No, it is such an emotional time for all freedom lovers of the world and all eyewitnesses of the Egyptian protests. The forces of the people have toppled a dictator.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter, the power of the Internet and communication, the resilience of the young people of Egypt, the working class, the middle class and the upper class of Egypt descended on the street go against a defiant Hosni Mubarak. Every single Egyptian and many other people of the world, From Tunisia to the South of Sudan, are rejoicing in the realization of power exercised by Egyptians.
After three weeks of massive protests, the people of Egypt got what they've always wanted. They have been protesting against an autocratic government, against the bad working conditions of the working class and lack of opportunities. Despite all the defiance shown by Hosni Mubarak, he was finally forced to step down.
Celebrations are everywhere now! From Tahir Square to Wall Street, Cairo to Washington and anywhere Egyptians are living. More importantly, twitter users, Internet and blogophiles are all rejoicing over the power of the people of Egypt.
These new events follow the deposition of the Tunisian dictator in Tunisia. Now it is Egypt's turn to boot a strongman, a dictator in the person of Hosni Mubarack. These new developments come as a surprise for the few remaining dictators around the world. Ultimately, the power comes back to the people!
Today, the young people of Egypt, the children of Egypt, Old as well as young people, have reclaimed their voice. They obtain their victory and do not forget those who became martyrs for this revolution.
The Google executive who was imprisoned became a voice in this country. He came back upon his release to reignite the flames of freedom. He turned out to be a good organizer of the Tahir crowd.
Wael Ghonim, Google Executive on leave, plans to write a book about revolution 2.0. He realized that his mission has accomplished. His contribution was to only participate in the revolution. He wants to go back to his company to work. He stated that he accomplished his role. Wael Ghonim does not want all the attention to be on him. He is thinking about the martyrs and future of his country.